
College Launches Library Fund-Raiser

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Confronted by what they call an appalling lack of resources and materials at the Ventura College Library, a group of students and faculty members has launched an adopt-a-book campaign aimed at raising money for new books.

The Ventura College Foundation and the student government have begun mailing out hundreds of solicitations designed to spur former students, business owners and Ventura residents to donate money for the school library.

“Adopt-a-Book for Ventura College is a program whereby you can make a difference in the quality of education available to our students,” Thomas O’Neill, a biology instructor and member of the Ventura College Foundation board, wrote in the solicitation.


“Since the Ventura College Library is open to the public, your contribution affects students throughout the county,” he added.

Included in the mailings are five “bookplates,” slips of paper that when completed will be attached inside the book covers. They specify who agreed to adopt a particular book.

The Ventura College Library is in dire need of more resources, but the Ventura County Community College District and Ventura College administrators are unable to do more to help, O’Neill said.


“The Ventura College Library needs some serious upgrades to even begin to be current for today’s courses of study,” O’Neill said. “State funds are not adequate to bring our library to the level we need and desire.”

For more information about the Ventura College adopt-a-book program, call O’Neill at 654-6373.
