
Party Line: Telephones at the Los Angeles...

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Party Line: Telephones at the Los Angeles County registrar’s office will be ringing nonstop today as voters seek the location of their polling places. The numbers: (800) 815-2666 or (310) 466-1323. Or check your sample ballot. . . . Even with extra operators on duty, callers can expect to wait. Said a county spokeswoman: “We’re doing our best.” For faster answers, try the Internet at . . . Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Fast Track: The information superhighway offers a lane for election-night junkies. . . . Starting at 8:30 p.m., the registrar’s office will flash updated returns every 20 minutes at main.htm. Semiofficial results should come in around 2 a.m.

Family Style: At a group home in Chatsworth, developmentally disabled adults get the opportunity to share in everyday family activities (B14). . . . Above, resident Scott Hinman shares a laugh with caregiver Maria Sullivan and her son Alexander. Said one official: “Without homes like this, many of these men would be in institutions.”


Bank on It: City Councilwoman Laura Chick, not up for reelection this year, is campaigning anyway. Her target: the automated teller machines located at police stations. Chick wants more people to do their banking at the “safe” ATMs. . . . Officer Roger Ruggiero at the LAPD’s Devonshire Division concurs: “Other than the people who work in the building, not many people stop by to use it.”
