
City May Purchase Equipment for Police

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To upgrade the Police Department’s computer system, the City Council today will consider spending $357,515 for dispatch and record management hardware and software.

Officials will review a proposal from PRC Public Sector Inc. of San Francisco to enhance the reliability and performance of the Police Computer System Communications Network.

The system, purchased and installed in 1987, was expected to last seven years and is in danger of collapsing unless upgrades are made, said Jeff Stone, Anaheim’s budget manager. A new system would cost $2.5 million to $3 million, Stone said.


The aim is to speed up the dispatching of 911 calls and to generate reports that now take eight hours to complete in as little as 45 minutes.

Stone said the upgrades would be part of a larger plan to improve the Police Department’s computer systems. He said the city is accepting bids to replace the department’s computerized filing system, projected to cost $600,000.

The Police Department is also seeking $1 million in federal grants to upgrade laptop computers in patrol cars, he said.


Also today, the council will vote on whether to rename downtown’s West Harbor Place as Center Street Promenade. If the change is adopted, the redevelopment agency will pay as much as $400 to each business affected to help cover costs such as new stationery.

The council meets at 5 p.m. in its chambers at City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd.

Information: (714) 254-5166.
