
DNC Donors and Foreign Policy


Re “GOP Intensifies Donations Probe,” Feb. 17:

I wonder why our Congress is making such a fuss about illegal contributions, when both parties were doing the same thing. This should be a concern of the Justice Department, which handles unlawful matters.

John Huang and his clique were politically exploited, then used as scapegoats by President Clinton and his Democratic National Committee. A Chinese proverb said something like: White dog steals but yellow dog is blamed.

The only explanation is a double standard does apply here.

CHOEN T. TCHENG, Paramount


I should like to remind Matty Park (letter, Feb. 17) that the White House is not Clinton’s home. It was built and is maintained by the people. The current president is provided living quarters, but he cannot do as he pleases there. The fact that it has chosen such a method to raise money for the Democratic National Committee is a sad commentary on the fitness of this administration. A terrible lapse of judgment and taste.


I, as a taxpayer, resent my taxes being used for the benefit of the DNC. Many of us find this custom of turning the people’s house into a Motel 6 distressing.

