
Vote on Acquisitions for Street Work Set

The City Council is set to vote today on a proposal to acquire two strips of land and to compensate those being displaced by street-widening projects.

Part of the work would require taking part of the front lawn of a house on South Glassell Street and paying the owner $2,500.

The work would be part of a long-running project to widen the intersection of La Veta Avenue and Glassell Street.


The council will also vote on whether to compensate 27 people who are being displaced by the same project. They would be paid a total of $104,000.

State law mandates that tenants who are displaced because a city seizes property for public projects be given money to move and partial subsidies for any increase in rent.

Public works officials are also asking council members to approve taking a total of 76 feet of land on both sides of Loma Street to widen that avenue and the Cannon Street Bridge. The owner of that property will be paid $3,984 for the acquisition, city officials said.


Today’s council session will begin at 4:30 p.m. in City Hall, 300 E. Chapman Ave. A public hearing about the property acquisition will begin at 7 p.m. in the same place.

Information: (714) 744-5500.
