
‘Tis the Season for Higher Gas Prices


Well, I see that it’s time for our annual rape by the petroleum companies.

Just as the announcement came out that this year there would only be a minimal hike in gas pump prices (“Lower Prices Expected at the Gas Pump,” April 4), the average in the San Gabriel Valley went up 4 cents per gallon. This on top of the fact that, since the end of February when we stop using “winter” gas, supposedly resulting in a price drop, pump prices have gone up an average of 12 cents per gallon. That’s 16 cents per gallon in the last month.

Last year they did the same thing to us despite the fact that there was no real upward pressure. This launched a protest that (allegedly) was pursued to, and by, the federal government. Result? Nothing. By September, prices started dropping. I guess the proof that last year’s protest fell on deaf ears is the fact that we’re getting a repeat performance this year.

I have taken steps to cut my consumption by over 50% and will continue to restrict my use as long as the price is inflated.



