
Suspects Arrested in Irvine Computer Heist

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A traffic stop Sunday morning led to the arrests of three suspects in a $112,000 computer heist, authorities reported.

Los Angeles Police Officers Holly Capra and Brendan McCarty noticed that a Honda Accord traveling on Willis Avenue had expired registration tags, according to Capra.

The officers pulled over the car, which was carrying three men and five boxed computers, Capra said.


The driver told the officers his girlfriend had bought the computers for her Pasadena business.

The driver was given a ticket for the expired tags, and the officers left, but only to drive around the block, Capra said.

When the officers returned, the men were taking the computers out of the Honda as well as from a parked BMW and carrying them into an apartment, Capra said.


She didn’t give many details about the investigation but said it was determined through a check of serial numbers that the computers were among 25 taken Saturday night during a warehouse burglary in Irvine.

The three men, whom police would not identify, were arrested on suspicion of commercial burglary and held at Van Nuys Jail, Capra said.
