
Ampex Loses Award in Mitsubishi Dispute

(Bloomberg News)

Ampex Corp. lost an $8.1-million jury award after a federal judge ruled that Tokyo-based Mitsubishi Electric Corp. hadn’t infringed a patent used to make a type of TV receiver. U.S. District Judge Roderick McKelvie ruled that Redwood City-based Ampex couldn’t claim violation of a patent involving the ability to televise a second picture onto TV sets, because the electronics company had surrendered any rights to the technology at issue. McKelvie said that in securing its patent, Ampex made statements indicating the technology Mitsubishi later used wasn’t covered by the patent. An Ampex spokeswoman said the company intends either to appeal the ruling or ask for a new trial. In April, a federal jury had found for Ampex, but Mitsubishi asked the court to take into consideration Ampex’s past statements. Ampex makes magnetic-recording systems and digital storage products. It shares lost 12.5 cents to close at $6.125 on the American Stock Exchange.
