
Car-Free Group


In a society where God is spelled c-a-r, it takes guts to start an anti-driving crusade (“Auto Immune,” June 23). If Auto Free Orange County accomplishes anything, I hope that it proves that car ownership is a privilege and a luxury, not a right and a necessity. It’s a measure of skewed values that non-car-owners are actually looked down on. (Frequently I have been asked “Why don’t you get a car?” like it is something you pick up at the supermarket.)

A distinction may be made between people who choose not to drive and people who don’t know how to. It behooves everyone to learn to drive; then, in case of emergency, you can borrow or rent a car. (It’s only partially true that people become better drivers through experience. Often, everyday drivers take their skills for granted and get careless.)

I’ve paid dearly for not having a car. On the other hand, I’ve lived better without the constant money drain. While an entirely auto-free society is not realistic, I salute Jay Laessi and his group for actively seeking alternatives.



