
Alcohol Costs at District Retreats to Be Reimbursed


After some school officials and parents in Pasadena expressed concern over district expenditures on alcohol served during its retreats, the Assn. of Pasadena School Administrators has decided to pick up the beverage tab at the annual conferences.

Supt. Vera Vignes said alcohol will no longer be served at district retreats, which are attended by about 120 administrators in August.

The association, which has more than 100 members, also will reimburse the district for the $4,100 worth of beverages, which included alcohol, coffee and iced tea, served at the 1994, 1995 and 1996 retreats, Vignes said. She could not estimate how much alcohol was served at those functions.


Calling it a “mutual agreement” with the district, Vignes said the association, whose efforts include hosting social events and creating scholarships, wanted to reimburse the district and pay for the past retreats. It will use members’ dues to cover the reimbursement.
