
Council Selects Withrow as Mayor


The mayor’s gavel has been turned over to a familiar face-- Councilwoman Susan Withrow, who held the position in 1994.

The City Council voted unanimously Monday to appoint Withrow as mayor. She served as mayor pro tem for the past year and will be sworn into her new post at the Jan. 5 council meeting.

The new mayor pro tem will be Sherri M. Butterfield, who was mayor in 1995.

Monday’s vote means that Councilman Lawrence H. Smith will serve his four-year term without taking a turn at mayor. Smith said he recently took on a new job in real estate finance for his employer, the Allison Co., that would have made it difficult to be mayor.


“I was prepared to” become mayor, Smith said, but “both Sherri and Sue have time, and I felt they would do an excellent job. I have no regrets in the matter.”
