
Former Teacher Files Discrimination Suit Against School District


A former fifth-grade schoolteacher has filed suit against the La Habra City School District for allegedly discriminating against her because of her age and inability to walk.

The suit, filed Wednesday by 60-year-old Frances A. Sheld in Orange County Superior Court, also names the principal of Walnut Elementary School, Pat Miller, as a defendant. The suit does not quantify monetary damages sought.

Sheld, of Fontana, left her job in June in what the suit describes as a “constructive discharge.”


Her attorney, Mark A. Schadrack of Laguna Niguel, said that Sheld was forced to leave after troubles she encountered at the school caused her “severe emotional distress.” According to the suit, Sheld must use an electric cart because she suffers from osteoarthritis and a weight problem.

School officials could not be reached Thursday afternoon for comment.
