
Be Diligent in Seeking Out Termites

From Associated Press

Termites are bad news wherever you live.

Extermination and termite-proofing are best left to professionals. But it helps to know how to look for termites and how to hire a reputable exterminator.

Spotting termites is difficult because they usually leave no visible trace of damage--the workers eat the softer, interior parts of wood. But if left undisturbed for several years, termites will destroy large areas of wood.

The one-fourth-inch subterranean termites are the most destructive. Sometimes called white ants, they differ in that ants have pinched waists while the termite’s body is straight. Winged reproductive termites have equal-size fore and hind wings; winged ants have shorter hind wings.


Here’s a checklist to help determine if you have termites:

* Inspect the house when the soil temperature is between 50 and 55 degrees. In warm climates, check year-round.

* Tap on suspect timbers. A hollow sound may indicate termite infestation.

* Use a sharp instrument, such as an ice pick or awl, to probe wood. If hand pressure causes the tool to penetrate easily, one-half inch or more, you may have termites.

* During termite mating season, watch for large numbers of flying insects. They could be reproductive termites emerging from their nest to form a new colony.

* Also look for discarded wings around the house, crawl spaces and near the foundation of the house. The wings are whitish and opaque, and their presence in significant numbers probably means that a new colony has been established somewhere nearby.

* Take a close look at the joint where a floor meets a wall, and the joint where any slab, such as a garage, patio or porch floor, touches a wall.

* Inspect crawl spaces and any other area with a dirt floor.

* Examine wood trellises, fences and planter boxes that are close to the house. Remove piles of lumber or firewood and any tree stumps near the house.


* Check all windowsills, as well as wood stairs and thresholds, roof shingles, siding, eaves, roof overhangs and fascia boards. Look for paint that has blistered or peeled on any wood structure near the ground.

* In new construction, anchor copper termite shields to the top of the foundation. Shields should extend 3 or 4 inches beyond each side of the masonry.


Even if your thorough inspection fails to find termites, it’s best to have your house inspected by a professional exterminator. If you plan to sell your house, such an inspection is required.

You can check on an exterminator through your local Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau. Get a written statement of work to be done and a cost estimate. It’s a good idea to get quotations from more than one company.

Most operators will offer a guarantee up to five years and agree to come back and do another termite treatment if any of the pests show up within that time.

Ask the exterminator for references and check them out.
