
Urban Renewal Group Wins National Honor


A nonprofit program that refurbishes the homes of low-income seniors and disabled residents has been recognized with the National League of Cities’ 1997 James C. Howland award for urban enrichment.

The award and a $2,000 donation will be presented to Carolyn Griebe, coordinator of Paint Your Heart Out Anaheim, and John Poole, the city’s code enforcement manager, during the league’s event today in Philadelphia.

Since the program began in 1991, more than $2.5 million in neighborhood improvements have been made and 277 homes have been refurbished. The program depends on community donations and volunteers to refurbish 40 to 50 homes each spring.


Poole called the program a success because it has aided the city’s elderly population as well as the neighborhoods.

Applications are being accepted through the end of December for next year’s program. Information: (714) 974-9481.
