
Now, a Little Down Time With Mike Downey . . .


Mike Downey says, “If I were a UCLA student, alumnus or booster, I would be indignant over being told that it is ‘nobody’s business’ why two players were dishonorably discharged from my school’s team and then reinstated, without explanation,” thereby evidencing precisely why he is not a UCLA student, alumnus or booster.

Well, I am an alumnus and booster, and I’m not indignant.

First, Jelani McCoy and Kris Johnson were not “dishonorably discharged,” as far as either I or Mr. Downey knows; they were “suspended indefinitely.”

Second, the action was not “without explanation,” it was fully explained, but only to those to whom an explanation is due: the two students. Today’s irresponsible, invasive reporting has led the media, along with a significant portion of the public, to confuse the right to ask and investigate with the right to know. There is a line between the public’s right to know and an individual’s right to privacy; a line which the university has respected.


I have been in communication with scores of UCLA students, alumni and boosters. It may shock Mr. Downey to learn that not even one of them has agreed with his statement.




I get it now. He had me going for a while, but I’m on to his game.

Downey’s column on McCoy/Johnson was not the whiny, antagonistic, borderline-threatening piece that it appeared to be. Rather, it was a bold and masterful commentary on the danger of journalistic arrogance. His clever satire on the excess of the media--”Tell us what happened or we’ll hound you the rest of your life”--is truly brilliant and should be studied in journalism schools for years to come.

Bravo, Mike.


Sherman Oaks


Can someone explain to Mr. Downey and the fourth estate that maybe the public doesn’t always have a right to know what is really none of their business? Just thought I would ask. Maybe Mr. Downey should stick to a real scandal, like how long an inseam players can have on their shorts in the NBA.


El Segundo


I think the only way to clear up this controversy surrounding Mike Downey is for Mr. Downey to schedule a news conference and “come clean,” telling the L.A. Times reading public exactly which portions of his resume he lied about to put over on The Times the fraud that he is a responsible journalist.

After all, we, the reading public, pay his salary through our home subscriptions and the quarters we put in news racks. Until he comes up with a truthful public explanation, the rumors and innuendo will continue to swirl, forever besmirching the reputation of The Times.




What a coincidence. The same week that UCLA falls out of the top 10, Steve Lavin decides it is time to reinstate Jelani McCoy. What is going to happen when UCLA falls out of the top 25? Is Lavin going to try to bring back Bill Walton to add size to his team?



Sherman Oaks
