
A Fine Re-Creation of ‘Mice and Men’


The Grace Players give a well-acted, respectable rendition of the somber John Steinbeck classic “Of Mice and Men” at the Egyptian Arena Theatre.

In this version, George (Randy Irwin) is a practical man, attempting to hide his sentimental attachment to Lennie (Travis Michael Holder) under gruff words that he repeats out of habit. Holder’s Lennie is a large, puppyish man-child with disheveled hair whose overalls straps constantly need to be adjusted. He bubbles with enthusiasm for soft, furry things and cringes with helpless shame when he’s done something wrong. But the concept of guilt escapes him, because for him right and wrong are defined by George.

Lennie’s innocence dooms the pair when they find work at a barley farm, where they meet one-handed Candy (Bobs Watson, with a cackling laugh reminiscent of Walter Brennan’s), the boss’ short and scrappy son Curley (Tyler Morrow) and his unwittingly flirtatious wife (Lauren Chieco, whose cheap perfume could be smelled from across the theater).


Director Jacque Lynn Colton strongly delineates the sense of alienation and hardship that characterizes the lives of these nomadic farm hands but also lets glimmers of hope peek out.

One small point: As charming as Candy’s dog (Quasimodo Foodle) may be, he elicited laughter when Candy claims “he was a great sheep dog.” Maybe a pig can herd sheep, but a Boston terrier?

* “Of Mice and Men,” Egyptian Arena Theatre, 1625 N. Las Palmas Ave., Hollywood. Thursdays-Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. Ends Dec. 21. $15. (888) 566-8499. Running time: 2 hours, 40 minutes.
