
For and Against Light Rail Study


* Congratulations to the Orange County Transportation Authority for doing the right thing and authorizing a preliminary engineering study for light rail from Fullerton to Irvine (“Light Rail Engineering Plan on Track,” Oct. 28).

The Fullerton-to-Irvine corridor contains the highest concentration of jobs and population in the county. Population is projected to increase 22% and jobs 70% by 2020. Present freeways will be overwhelmed unless we continue to provide more transportation capacity.

There is no place for a new freeway in this corridor. Any such project would require the approval of every city and take so much land it would decimate neighborhoods.


In contrast, a rail line would require minimal right of way. A rail line would put in place a transportation system, the rails, cars and traffic controls.

Light rail makes sense for this corridor. Bravo OCTA.



* On Oct. 27, the Orange County Transportation Authority board of directors approved spending $6 million on a preliminary engineering study on a light rail system.

Back in June, the board voted that if the federal government does not give OCTA $3.2 million for the study, OCTA should stop light rail in Orange County.

Then why did OCTA approve spending $6 million without knowing that the federal government will give the money?


Garden Grove
