
Selection of Fire Chief Delayed Until Next Month


The city has put on hold its selection of a new fire chief until next month after the local firefighters union raised questions about how finalists came to be selected for the post.

Assistant City Manager Ed Sotelo said interviews will be delayed until January because of a number of issues raised by the Pasadena Firefighters Assn.

Last week, city officials were to interview nine finalists for the position, but local firefighters said they planned to go to the City Council to question how finalists were selected, whether certain individuals were able to apply after the deadline and how individuals outside the city may have obtained confidential information about candidates and those making the selection.


“We believe the recruitment for fire chief is irreparably tainted,” said John Tennant, a Pasadena fire captain and president of the association.

At least three Pasadena fire officials have applied for the chief’s position, according to local firefighters.
