
Timetable Is Set for Turner


Sophomore forward Jarvis Turner, who broke a bone in his left hand against Nevada Las Vegas two weeks ago, will have his cast removed next week, Coach Henry Bibby said Monday. Turner may be ready to play by the Pacific 10 Conference opener against Arizona State on Jan. 3.

Junior Elias Ayuso sprained his shoulder last week and freshman Kevin Augustine is suffering from tendinitis in his right shoulder. Bibby said Ayuso is probable for Saturday’s game against Ohio State, but Augustine probably will not play. Bibby blames the injuries on poor conditioning during the summer.

“Kids don’t play every day like they used to,” said Bibby, who tells his players they should forgo a social life and concentrate on only two things during their time at USC, education and basketball.


“Playing every day helps prepare the body,” he said. “We’re not giving them a $30,000 scholarship to socialize.”
