
United Way Has Survived Turmoil


As a member of the board of directors of United Way of Ventura County, it is gratifying to be able to express the pride that I share with my board colleagues at the exceptional accomplishments of United Way.

The past few months have been extremely difficult for our community fund-raising organization, but we have weathered the rough times and are now clearly focused on achieving the goals of the current campaign.

I am especially grateful to the United Way member agencies for their understanding, support and cooperation as the United Way organization has worked its way through the administrative difficulties that interfered with our historical forward momentum.


It is important to note that behind all of the efforts of United Way and its member agencies is the outstanding commitment of our generous Ventura County donors who have continued their traditional support. With continued community encouragement from all of those in Ventura County who generously support the goals and objectives of United Way, we will truly be able to continue to make a difference to those who need us.


Thousand Oaks
