
Low Crime Rate Cited in Push for Football Team


In the hope of luring a professional football team back to the city, county Supervisor Mike Antonovich said Monday that he hopes NFL owners will take note of the low crime statistics in the Coliseum area during USC’s 1997 home games.

Trying to distance the Coliseum from its rowdy reputation earned when the National Football League’s Raiders played there, Antonovich said that during the recently completed season, only four crimes were recorded at Exposition Park when the Trojans were at home. One car was stolen and three vehicular break-ins were reported, he said.

More than 300,000 fans attended six USC football games this year, with many more visiting the park to tailgate and socialize without attending games, Antonovich said.


“We urge the National Football League executives and owners to consider these figures, and the tremendous family-friendly experience found at Coliseum events, when they are deciding where to locate a new NFL franchise,” Antonovich said.
