
Bike Stolen, but Police Goodwill Goes Far


Ana Canal had put the little pink and blue bike on layaway at Kmart and saved for months to pay it off so her 5-year-old daughter, Stephanie, would have a special Christmas.

The little girl was thrilled with the gift and took it out for a spin Christmas morning.

But when she leaned it against the porch of her home for three minutes to duck in and use the bathroom, someone stole it.

“She was crying,” Canal said. “It was the first time that she had a new bike.”

Lucky for Stephanie, Santa Ana Police Cpl. John “Jethro” Tucker was working Christmas Day.

The broadcast about the stolen bike flashed on his squad car computer screen, and he thought about his own children, ages 11 and 14.


“I felt bad. . . . You just kind of feel bad for kids,” said Tucker, a 13-year department veteran. Tucker sent out a general broadcast from his patrol car that said, “Hey, if anyone wants to donate any money, we’ll replace the bike. The chance of getting it back is about zero.”

Within an hour, the department had raised $120. All the dispatchers kicked in, as did about 10 patrol officers in the field, Tucker said.

Tucker visited Stephanie and her mother and told them about the plans.

“I couldn’t believe it,” Canal said. “It’s great. It’s a nice Christmas after all.”

Today, on Tucker’s day off, he plans to brave Kmart on the busiest shopping day of the year to buy Stephanie the same-model bike.

He also plans to buy her a lock and a helmet.

“She’s a cute little girl,” Tucker said. “You hate to see someone lose the magic of Christmas over something like that.”
