
Planners’ Vote on Newhall Ranch


Re “Newhall Ranch Wins Key Vote on Zoning Plan,” Dec. 18.

It’s hard to tell, from the actions of the county’s Regional Planning Commission, that it has some responsibility beyond approving projects proposed by Newhall Land & Farming, no matter how outrageous. The commission approved Newhall’s Westridge only to have the courts throw it out. The same happened to the commission’s approval of Newhall’s Arbor Park. Now we have Newhall Ranch, which violates just about every tenet of good planning, approved for the western Santa Clara River area of Los Angeles County.

Good planning tries to preserve farmland and river [courses]. It avoids leapfrog development. It respects the General Plan and accepts amendments when there is demonstrable need and benefit to the community. The commission has approved, in this case, huge leapfrog development that requires an amendment to the General Plan to accommodate the 24,396 proposed dwellings. It’s hard to say they are needed when there are already developments for 50,000 homes in the general locale under process of approval.



* The article by Sharon Bernstein and Dade Hayes quoted a few people on issues such as environment enhancement and public benefit who gave an inaccurate impression of the project. The first inaccuracy is Lee Stark’s statement that the Newhall Land & Farming project is an environmental enhancement to the property. This project would include 25,000 homes. It would be located in a currently wild area supporting many endangered species. It would allow the conversion of over 500 acres of prime California farmland to development. It would allow building in the flood plain of a wild river.


The developer’s representative, Marlee Lauffer, said in the article that the project would provide a public benefit. Since it will destroy farmland and wilderness, and most of the public agencies, such as the local schools, oppose the project, I can only imagine that she means housing. However, there is already enough housing approved for this area.



* So the Planning Commission has once again crawled on its belly to lick the boots of the big bucks. Our land here is very short of water and lacking in clean air, with nowhere to dump extra refuse. We are sitting on a known and active earthquake fault. Yet it is OK to cash in on people’s souls.

What a bunch of toadies we have on the commission. And Newhall Land is laughing all the way to their bank.


