
Joe Hicks


When Joe Hicks wrote, “Integration as a strategy to end white supremacy in the economic, political and social life of the nation is no longer critical” (Opinion, “The Changing Face of America” July 20), I had to figure out if this man had lost touch with reality, was attempting to enhance his fund-raising profile, seeking brownie points from white folks or had joined the ranks of the “Eurocentric Negroes,” or all of the above.

I am not a supporter of integration, at least not in the sense that all people of color must assimilate as white wannabes. All cultural groups have a distinct heritage and to imitate the Euro-American is to denigrate their unique legacy. Equality does not come from the kindness of a group’s heart, but through enormous economic, political, legal, etc., pressure. The criminality of Hicks’ statement and article is that he poses as a spokesman for the African American. This, he cannot do.

If Hicks does not understand the present and future implications of white supremacy, he should never utter another word publicly again. His view undermines the efforts of people of color seeking justice in an unfair system based on color.



Los Angeles
