
Gingrich and GOP


Re “Gingrich Survived, but the Party Festers,” Opinion, July 20: E.J. Dionne Jr. is correct to observe that Republican representatives are engaging in the same fratricide that Democrats conducted during their 40 years of control of the House.

However, Dionne, like many pundits, misses the larger cause of such political maneuvers: Simply put, victory generates division. It is relatively easy for a minority opposition to generate consensus, since it need only oppose the policies of the majority.

With majority status, however, comes greater policymaking power, and consequently greater desire among individual politicians to set the policy agenda. Should the Democrats regain control of the House in ‘98, you can bet that they too will succumb to the familiar pattern--and that Republicans will “rediscover” solidarity. This internal dynamic of checks and balances can only make the founders smile.



Manhattan Beach

* Newt Gingrich is a fat little kid who sucks up to whoever is in power. This was demonstrated in his support of Read-My-Lips Bush and it has been part of his personality, probably since he was a kid.

Gingrich should go. He has no character. He has no foundational level beliefs.


Costa Mesa
