
Firehouse Dog


In a world filled with disasters, tragedies and violence, it was truly heartwarming to read about Petey the firehouse dog (“Fireman’s Best Friend,” Nov. 19). It was remarkable to learn how one dog touched the lives of a fire station and a whole community. It appears Petey was more than just a mascot. He was a true friend and team member to professionals who risk their lives to save others.

It’s sad to read that the Fire Department now prohibits animal pets in their fire stations. Gone are the days of the noble firehouse dog sitting atop a big red fire engine, just like in a Norman Rockwell painting. Where did they find such animals that provide love, companionship and in this case, community safety service? I am glad that Petey will be remembered in a painting at Fire Station 14. The human heart is truly unlimited.

Rest in peace, Petey.


