
Grant Will Help Renovate Buildings at Fairgrounds


The federal Economic Development Agency will provide $1 million to the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona as part of an effort to assist cities recovering from the aftermath of defense cutbacks, Rep. Jay Kim announced Wednesday.

The $1-million grant from a special fund will be used to install air-conditioning and heating systems in three Fairplex exposition buildings. The project will cost $1.7 million. The remainder of the funding will come from Fairplex.

“Now the fairgrounds can open all their facilities over the summer and attract bigger and higher-class international expositions year-round,” said Kim (R-Diamond Bar) in a statement.


“This is a big success for Pomona and eastern L.A. County. Pomona was hit hard by the closure of the General Dynamics missile plant and it’s about time the EDA helped communities like ours,” Kim stated.

In January, Kim became chairman of the House’s Public Buildings and Economic Development subcommittee, which oversees the EDA.
