
An Arroyo to Emulate


Thanks for the Aug. 17 story on the restored Arroyo Seco in Pasadena (“Second Nature,” by Dave Gardetta, So SoCal). As a longtime San Gabriel Valley resident, I’ve taken many foreign visitors for walks along the arroyo. It has a way to go before it resembles an authentic riparian woodland, but things grow fast down here, so we’ll be able to watch and enjoy the transformation.

The before-and-after of this project has been documented on a videotape, hosted by Jess Marlow, by Dan Birman of the GSi/water for Browning-Ferris Industries and the city of Pasadena. Anyone wanting to take a close look at what can be accomplished should take a look at this documentary.

If only other municipalities decided to tackle similar projects. There are many areas in the Southland that can be restored safely. If we build it, the wildlife (and the plein-air painters) will come.


Henriette Wymar

Temple City
