
Hernandez’s Return to City Council


Re “Contrasts Mark Hernandez’s Council Return,” Oct. 6: As a teacher at St. Thomas the Apostle, the school that had students go to support Councilman Mike Hernandez’s return, I was curious of the use of the phrase, in describing the students’ trip to City Hall, “who skipped morning classes.” Why the word “skipped”? To me, it comes across in a negative way.

We took the students to City Hall to show support for Hernandez’s return and to send a message that Hernandez has been a good councilman for the 1st District. His use of drugs was wrong and we certainly do not condone his actions. But Hernandez is a human who made mistakes and as Catholics and people of God, we must forgive him. The “field trip” to City Hall was one where my seventh- and eighth-grade students were able to put democracy into action and practice free speech and the right to assemble, two of our country’s most sacred freedoms.


Los Angeles

* Signs declaring “Buy Drugs, Go to Jail” hang from posts up and down Parthenia Street near Tampa Avenue in the Valley. Not only is Hernandez not in jail, but he has been welcomed back to his job on the City Council with a standing ovation. No wonder people have no faith in our justice system; guilt is determined by who you are, not by what you have done.



