
Officials to Discuss Liquor Law Changes


For the third time in less than two months, city officials will discuss possible changes to San Fernando’s liquor license ordinance Tuesday at a special meeting of the Planning Commission.

In September, city officials began accepting written comments about proposed changes in the ordinance, which is considered one of the toughest in the state. The written submissions will be discussed at Tuesday’s meeting, where residents will also be given an opportunity to address the commission directly, said Jack Cook, an associate planner with the city’s development department.

“The commission is going to study the issue again and possibly make a recommendation to the City Council,” Cook said. “There is a number of things they can do.”


Other options available to the commission include studying the issue further, rejecting the proposed changes outright or hiring an outside arbitrator to help decide the issue, Cook said.

The San Fernando City Council passed the ordinance in 1993 in an attempt to reduce alcohol-related crime by stemming the growth of bars and liquor stores.

Opponents of the changes point out that the city still has a high number of liquor outlets and that crime has gone down in the city since the ordinance was passed.

However, a campaign by local restaurant owners to relax some of the most stringent aspects of the ordinance has received some support from city leaders eager to promote business development in the city.

Possible changes in the ordinance, which prohibits alcohol sales by businesses that are within 600 feet of schools, churches, parks or other licensed establishments, would affect restaurants only.

Tuesday’s meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 117 Macneil St.
