
Valley Secession


Re “Few Minorities Join Crusade for Valley Secession,” Oct. 5.

I haven’t heard this much talk about secession since 1860, when in a past life I lived just south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Today, I live south of Ventura Boulevard.

Back [then] Jefferson Davis was constantly canvassing for one issue or another, and that year it was secession.

“But Jeff,” I said, “aren’t you trying to preserve an outmoded agrarian economy based on lifestyle, privilege and class separatism? Or are you disappointed with your political progress, and using this platform to get elected?”


A select group of Valley voters have decided they can’t fight City Hall, so they wish to live in insulated enclaves. How does this help our community progress beyond the mentality of divisiveness, anger and frustration their camp is spreading?


Sherman Oaks


Our Valley is lucky to have both former Congresswoman Bobbi Fiedler and former Assemblywoman Paula Boland looking out for it.

Each has lived in this Valley for decades, has worked here and has raised a family here. Each has received, and knows how to build, grass-roots support for a political cause.

Fiedler and Boland know what it takes to pass legislation. They have successfully fought for more jobs and for more business for our Valley in the legislative halls. Each has shown a steadfast devotion to the Valley’s well-being at great personal cost.

Secession opponents have used expert lobbyists and every legislative tactic available, fair or not, to hold the Valley down.

Politics is not about getting what one wants. It is about getting as much as is possible of an agenda into the political system. Both Fiedler and Boland will help our Valley do just that.





If every person in the Valley who is eligible to vote registers and votes for splitting off the Valley from Los Angeles, we will have more than enough votes to do so. This is given that the rest of L.A.’s voters continue to be apathetic and turn out in the dismal numbers of years past.

However, if everyone got off his duff and voted, we probably would not need to split.


Canoga Park
