
Attorney to Testify Behind Closed Doors


Caught between old colleagues and new clients in the huge Ventura County Sheriff’s Department crime laboratory case, defense attorney Kevin DeNoce has been ordered to a closed-door hearing Thursday to describe what he said about the case to his former co-workers in the district attorney’s office.

DeNoce declared a conflict of interest on Aug. 22 and bowed out of his role in defending 11 of the 620 drunk driving suspects whose arrests were thrown into question by irregular blood alcohol testing at the crime laboratory last winter and spring.

DeNoce, a former prosecutor, revealed that he had discussed the case with Dist. Atty. Investigator Michael McKendry--an apparent breach that drew strong criticism from fellow defense attorneys.


On Friday, Superior Court Judge Steven Z. Perren ordered DeNoce to testify this week in a closed hearing about the discussion.

Perren has said he will reveal publicly the contents of the discussion afterward if they do not compromise the case.
