
Budget Change Would Save City $500,000


The cash-strapped city could save $500,000 under a 1997-98 budget amendment expected to be approved tonight by the City Council.

Council members have decided to use city employees to perform park, beach and public works maintenance duties instead of hiring outside contractors as originally planned in the city’s $21-million general fund budget. The council approved the budget in June after grappling with a $2.8-million shortfall caused in large part by passage of Proposition 218, which outlawed the city’s lighting and landscaping taxing district.

The council expects the budget change would save $100,000 in park and beach maintenance and $400,000 in public works expenses.


The council is also expected to consider $73,550 in additional spending for the two divisions, according to a report by Kumi Johnson, the city’s budget officer.

The extra costs are due in part to a request by parks officials for $15,000 to maintain Richard T. Steed Memorial Park.

The Public Works Maintenance Department also required an additional $58,550 for communications, fleet and dispatch services.

Orange County Supervisor Thomas W. Wilson is expected to give the council an update on board issues. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 100 Avenida Presidio.

Information: (714) 361-8200.
