
CBS Executive Named to Specific Plan Panel


Michael Klausman, president of CBS Studio Center in Studio City, has been appointed to a three-year term as a member of the Ventura-Cahuenga Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan Review Board.

The Ventura Boulevard Specific Plan was adopted in 1991 to control growth and to fund improvements along the 17-mile thoroughfare.

As a board member, an unpaid position, Klausman will participate in planning, transportation and land-use issues affecting the boulevard.


“I don’t have an agenda other than being a good citizen of the community,” Klausman said Monday. “CBS is a big part of the community here in Studio City and I believe that was why I was asked to be on the board.”

Klausman was appointed to the 11-member board by City Councilman Joel Wachs.

Each of the five City Council members whose districts include portions of Ventura Boulevard makes two appointments to the board while the mayor appoints the final member.

“The city is very fortunate to have a person of this caliber on the boulevard’s Plan Review Board,” Wachs said. “His breadth of awareness and experience, along with his keen and caring commitment to the protection and betterment of local neighborhoods, makes him an ideal representative to serve on this board.”

Klausman, a Cal State Northridge graduate, has been active in the fight against airplane noise from Burbank Airport and has been a leading proponent of the Studio City Business Improvement District.
