
Dockworkers Stage Eight-Hour Walkout


Longshore workers at the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles joined other West Coast dockworkers Monday in an eight-hour work stoppage to show solidarity with dockworkers in Liverpool, England.

Members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Locals 13 and 63, refused to work between 6 p.m. Monday and 2 a.m. today, demanding the reinstatement of Liverpool dockworkers who were fired during a work dispute two years ago. The walkout was also aimed at calling attention to privatization at ports.

“Liverpool has become the international symbol of resistance to efforts to privatize and bust the unions,” said Steve Stallone, spokesman for ILWU. Stallone said the work stoppage was a coordinated worldwide effort.


At the Port of Los Angeles, ILWU Local 13 is protesting the possibility that nonunion workers will be used at Los Angeles Export Terminal, a new coal-exporting facility due to open by the end of October.
