
Agency Offers Legal Advice, Senior Aid


Free legal advice for people of all ages and counseling for senior citizens by senior citizens are available from Jewish Family Service of Ventura.

Although not new, the free services are not well known, said Elinor Chaum, manager of public relations for the nonprofit group.

“What we’re trying to do is reach that segment of our population who doesn’t know where to turn or has the need, but doesn’t have the finances,” she said. “We serve the entire community and that is what we’re trying to let people know. . . . It is part of the Jewish ethic of helping others, it doesn’t matter who they are.”


Attorneys are available Monday evenings for consultation on legal issues that include divorce, bankruptcy and wills. Professionally trained counselors are available to county residents 55 years of age and older in the privacy of their own homes.

Seniors seeking counseling service may call 659-5144 during regular business hours. People needing legal help should call the same number between 9 a.m. and noon Fridays.
