
Fullerton Students Test Below Average


Fullerton School District students rank below the national average in several subjects, according to results from standardized tests taken last spring.

But school officials warned that the results are somewhat skewed.

About 32% of the students tested locally speak little or no English yet the tests, which measured performance in reading, math, spelling and language, were administered in English.

Nevertheless, trustees said the results show that students with limited English skills need to improve their scores.


“The scores are very low and I feel disappointed,” Board President Anthony Valla said Tuesday when the scores were released.

Educators also stressed the tests are only one measure of student performance. Principals and teachers said they would work to improve instructional programs to raise the test scores.


Test Troubles

Fullerton School District students had mostly below average scores in reading and math on the Stanford Achievement Test. Here’s where they rank among students nationwide. Percentile rankings range from zero (worst) to 100 (best):

(Bar chart of test scores)

Source: Fullerton School District
