
Relatives of Crash Victims Make Plea


Relatives of a woman who survived a fiery highway crash that killed 11 people near Lompoc last week asked for help Tuesday in raising money to return the bodies of eight relatives and friends to their Mexican hometowns.

Family and friends so far have raised a little more than half of the estimated $12,700 needed to transport the bodies back to their villages in the state of Puebla, relatives said.

They made their plea for help at the Grossman Burn Center at Sherman Oaks Hospital, where Rosa Hernandez, 47, is recovering from burns she suffered in the crash.


On Monday, doctors at the center upgraded Hernandez’s condition from critical to serious after more than three hours of surgery.

The cause of the accident remained under investigation, but authorities said last week that the driver of one vehicle in the two-vehicle collision had cocaine, opiates and marijuana in his system and the other driver had cocaine in his body.

Donations may be sent to the Rosa Hernandez Fund, Sherman Oaks Hospital Foundation, Sherman Oaks Hospital, 4929 Van Nuys Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.
