
City Approves Program for Transporting Seniors


The City Council has unanimously approved a senior citizen transportation program that could become a pilot for serving future needs of the elderly.

The program is administered by the county through the Older Americans Act at a cost of $24,000. For La Palma to participate next year, it must spend $6,000.

The city could provide 1,765 round trips, five days a week for 50 weeks, for up to seven seniors at a time. Four La Palma seniors presently need free transportation to nearby Cypress, City Manager Daniel E. Keen said.


“The number of people being served seems low,” Keen said. “But the important point is that we will have more demand for these services in the future.”

A senior citizen housing complex will be completed soon and will house about 40 to 50 seniors who will need free transportation, Keen said.
