
School Board Studies Bond Plan to Renovate Campuses


Faced with a growing number of elementary school students, the Alhambra school board has directed administrators to draw up plans for a multimillion-dollar bond issue to pay for new facilities and renovate outmoded classrooms.

The Alhambra School District Board of Education would like to place the bond measure on the ballot in November 1998, board Vice President Dora S. Padilla said.

“We have schools designed for 600 students that have now got 1,100 students,” she said. “The playgrounds are shrinking with all the extra classroom trailers.”


Last week, the school board directed the schools superintendent to conduct a formal study of the district’s needs to determine the size of the bond issue and hire a consultant to help with the process.

Some of the bond money would be used to remodel Mark Keppel High School and bring technology and computers to more classrooms, officials said.

School officials said the call for a bond issue stems from recommendations by a citizens committee, which this last spring considered whether the district should go to year-round education to handle elementary school overcrowding in the 19,000-student district. The committee rejected the year-round option but did recommend a bond issue for more classrooms.
