


Andrew McCarthy, whose movie “Stag” opens Friday

Food on the Run: Friday nights after I get off work, I usually just pick up food on the way home. I’ve been in this takeout habit lately. I’ll get food from Louise’s Trattoria or a burger from Johnny Rockets. For lunch, I’ve been known to go to Carney’s. A Votre Sante is also terrific. There is some chicken thing I always eat there. I have no idea what it is, except that it’s on the bottom right corner of the menu. I know where to point.

Between the Folds: I can’t remember the last time I watched TV. I read a lot of books. I hate to say that because when other people say that I never believe them. I’m reading “Huck Finn” right now, which is great. I’d never read it before.

The Mooch: I get up around dawn on Saturdays to play golf. I’ll try to mooch my way onto one of my friends, who is a member at a nice country club. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll just go play in Griffith Park at the public golf course. After that, in the early afternoon, I’ll mooch my way over to one of my friends’ houses and swim in their pool, lounge around and drink their Coca-Colas.


A Different Scene: I never do the club or bar scene. I’ve never been to the Viper Room and it’s just not something that ever enters into my world. I do like to go to the theater in L.A. I just saw “Ragtime.”

Spin City: Sunday mornings I do something that’s very L.A.--I go to a spinning class. I usually go to Todd Tramps on La Cienega, where I can sweat with the beautiful people, then go to Duke’s on Sunset for breakfast.
