
Tax Return Release


Arianna Huffington (Column Right, April 21) chastises public officials (such as Newt Gingrich) and public figures (such as Bill Bennett) for refusing to reveal their tax returns and, in turn, their charitable contributions. “Show us the numbers and we’ll be the judge,” she says.

Isn’t this the same Arianna Huffington who, with her ex-husband, Michael, refused to release their tax returns during the race for the U.S. Senate just a few years ago? Better late than never, Arianna--how about releasing the Huffington tax returns for the past several years so we can finally learn just how generous the Huffingtons were in their own charitable giving. If Michael refuses, how about releasing your own tax returns since your divorce?

If she demands it of Bennett, et al., shouldn’t we expect it from Huffington?


Huntington Beach
