
2 Ex-Californians Allegedly Funding Idaho Racist Group

From Associated Press

Two former California businessmen are pouring money into the often cash-strapped white supremacist movement, allowing it to reach out to thousands of households in northern Idaho.

The Spokesman-Review newspaper of Spokane has reported extensively on Vincent Bertollini and Carl Story. The two grew wealthy in California’s computer industry and reportedly financed the mailing of racist and anti-Semitic posters and videos to 3,000 homes.

Human rights activists are alarmed at the infusion of money into the movement and say they are scrambling to counter the mailings.


Bertollini and Story have adamantly refused interviews.

“Our message speaks for itself,” Bertollini wrote in an e-mail response to an interview request. “We do not grant interviews.”

Their message is a stew of quasi-biblical prose that attacks Jews and contends that “Jesus said they were murderers and liars from the beginning.”
