
Learning the Joy of Giving


At Sycamore Junior High School in Anaheim, students received a lesson in the true spirit of the holidays and a better understanding for those less fortunate.

The school’s student council held a canned food drive and raised about $1,400 to buy additional items for 26 needy families who live within the school’s attendance area. Students shopped for the food, then delivered packages to families last week.

“I learned that a lot of families really needed our help,” said Linda Rizo, one of the student organizers. “I’m very glad that we helped them because I didn’t really know that there are a lot of needy people.”


Teacher Tony Gabler, who helped the students organize the undertaking and started the program about 18 years ago, said the school doubled the number of families served this year. “It’s a neat experience for the kids. We feel good about it. . . . I used to be one of those families waiting at the door.”

Several other Anaheim Union High School District students and staff also raised money and donations of food, toys and clothing. Among them: Dale Junior High raised $3,000 to buy groceries for 30 families; at Brookhurst Junior High, teachers and staff donated clothes and toys, and 200 students who would benefit most from the program picked gifts for their loved ones; and at Anaheim High, more than 40 cases of canned food were collected, holiday wishes of four children were granted, and trees, stockings and baskets were purchased for nine families.
