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What: Web site dedicated to black college sports


Did you know that Walter Payton’s 464 points in three seasons for Jackson State from 1971-74 is still an all-time black college football record? Or that Howard’s women’s basketball team, a traditional black college power, upset Maryland in a nonconference game earlier this month?

You can find information such as this at Onnidan’s Black College Sports Online, a must Web site for people who want to find any information about athletic programs often ignored by the national media. The site is updated daily with complete coverage of all major sports at black colleges, ranging from men’s basketball to women’s volleyball.

Many outstanding professional athletes--such as Jerry Rice (Mississippi Valley State) and Charles Oakley (Virginia Union)--are products of schools that play in one of the four major black college conferences: the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference, Southwestern Athletic Conference, Central Intercollegiate Athletic Assn., and Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.


The site also has a variety of columns and additional links that provide statistics ranging from the leading men’s basketball scorers in the MEAC to the history of McDonald’s Heritage Bowl, an annual matchup between two of the best black college teams. In this year’s game, Southern beat Bethune-Cookman, 28-2, Saturday at Atlanta.
