
Schools Get Grant for Computers, Staff Development Center


The Lennox School District has received an $872,744 grant from the State Board of Education to create a professional development center for teaching staff, parents and students and to buy computers for every classroom.

All classrooms in the district have been wired for Internet access and have integrated the information superhighway into the curriculum.

But not all classes have enough computers per child.

The grant will allow the district to add more technology to each classroom and increase the access students have to the computers.


Students use the computers to study subjects such as math, reading and social studies.

The district plans to equip the development center with 30 computers and will train 30 employees per year to integrate the technology into the classrooms.

“Our focus is on learning and student achievement, not just adding technology,” said district technology coordinator John Umekubo. “This is a great learning tool that they can use in all subject areas.”
