


Why does The Times continue to perpetuate stereotypes of nonwhite members of the Los Angeles community? I specifically refer to Bill Boyarsky’s Dec. 31 column on Richard Alatorre. Alatorre’s speech style does not sound “like it came straight out of the Garfield High campus.” How insulting to those of us who attended Garfield High School.

East Los Angeles, where Alatorre was raised, was a hard-working, predominantly Mexican immigrant neighborhood, and remains so. High ethics and verbal respect toward authority, especially elders and teachers, were and are highly valued. I grew up and continue to live in the neighborhood where Mrs. Alatorre raised her family. I know well that she, my parents and many parents of Garfield High students would not allow the gruff style of speech Alatorre has adopted; you may attribute that to his political mentors.


East Los Angeles
