
Looking for More, Troop 93 Turns 75

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The boys of Scout Troop 93 this month are celebrating the organization’s 75th anniversary with a membership drive.

Founded in 1923 by the Kiwanis Club of Fullerton, the troop membership has fluctuated over the years. Today, 42 boys make up the roster.

“We’re trying to build up our troop with heavier recruitment efforts,” said Jim Kruse, the troop’s committee chairman. “Some troops in South County have as many as 180 boys.”


He said his goal isn’t quite as lofty. Doubling the membership would suffice, he said.

Members, ages 11 to 17, meet once a week at their hut on Truslow Avenue, where they learn the Scouting basics: how to set up camp, tie knots, work as a team, participate in community services and earn merit badges. They also go camping and get lessons on life skills.

Justin M. Lomheim, 16, a Troop 93 member, said he’s learning about things he isn’t taught in school.

“We go rock climbing and have all sorts of outdoor experiences, but we also get introduced to a lot of really useful skills, like personal management,” he said. “Scouting teaches you what it’s like to grow up and live in the real world. I hope this troop is around in the next 75 years so I can see my kids grow up as Scouts too.”


The troop, one of the oldest in Orange County, has completed numerous service projects through the years: Scouts constructed the sidewalk around the Red Cross building at Hillcrest Park, created trails in the Fullerton Arboretum and at the Oak Canyon Nature Center and participated in citywide food drives for the needy.

“The primary goal is to work on the moral and spiritual development of our boys,” Kruse said. “It’s harder to be a young person today than it was 75 years ago and keep morals and values strong. We feel very strongly that we’re molding the leaders of tomorrow.”

City, county and state officials recognized Troop 93 earlier this month with proclamations and resolutions.
