
Junior National Badminton Event Draws Big Field


About 250 badminton players from several states will compete in the U.S. Junior National Tournament, Thursday through Sunday at the Orange County Badminton Club in Orange.

Bob Malaythong of Colorado Springs, Colo., is expected to compete in the under-19 division. He is a member of the U.S. badminton national team.

Erin Hois of Downers Grove, Ill., is seeded No. 1 in the under-16 girls’ division. Elie Wu of Arcadia is not seeded in that division but is considered a threat. Placentia’s Mike Chansawangpuvana is not seeded in the boys’ under-14 division, although he was runner-up last year in mixed doubles with May Mangkalakiri.


Mangkalakiri of Garden Grove, who already has won an under-14 national title, is not seeded in the under-16 girls’ singles. She and teammate Jessica Allen of Cupertino are seeded fourth in the under-16 girls’ doubles.

Nick Thipsathiankul of Placentia is seeded fourth in the under-19 boys’ singles.

There will be more than 600 matches in singles and doubles play, in five age groups: under-12, under-14, under-16, under-19 and under-21. Winners in some age groups are expected to contend for berths on the U.S. Olympic team.

Play begins at 10 a.m. and continues until 10 p.m. every day except Saturday, when matches will end at 6 p.m. Admission is free.
