
Time Is Wasting at San Onofre


* The July 9 article about the three projects to mitigate the environmental damage created by the San Onofre nuclear power plant seems to indicate that the projects are being bogged down more by new state regulations than by any delays caused by Southern California Edison.

We have a present and clear condition of massive ongoing environmental damage caused by the power plant. Yet after eight years of planning, studies and hearings, during the final stage of permitting Edison is advised that it must now prepare an environmental impact report. The record suggests that the Coastal Commission is incapable of project management, or that the commission’s objective is to delay the project as long as possible.

In the case of the kelp restoration project, the first stage is a five-year test program on 17 acres. If successful, the program will be expanded to a total of 150 acres. This will not only be a test of kelp restoration at San Onofre, but also a test for possible projects to benefit the coastal environment at other locations in California and throughout the world.


Given the ongoing environmental damage, isn’t it important to expedite the work at San Onofre? We already know the severe impact of doing nothing.


Newport Beach
